Complete Alphabet

 Complete Alphabet

Today we are going to summarize and create a list of all letters from the Korean alphabet!

Korean alphabet

The Korean alphabet is called Hangul and it's based on 24 letters, which including 14 consonants and 10 vowels! The vowels are composed of vertical or horizontal straight lines together with short lines on either side of the mainline. Together, the consonants and vowels are combined into blocks of syllables. Each syllable is based on vowels and consonants.

Here is the sorted list of 10 vowels:
Here is the sorted list of 14 consonants:
Regards to pronunciation - please, refer to my Instagram page or click on each letter below and swipe left for audio sound.

We may elaborate more on an example of the Korean word for Thank you - 사합니다 (gamsahabnida in romanized version). If we have a look at the list above, then we may notice individual letters composed to blocks. 

Let's have a look at the first block 감 which we may divide to:

...together as 감 

Regards to individual letter categories, feel free to click each category from the list below, where do we find out more about each letter and its pronunciation:

Here is the list of Korean letters by categories:

Regards to pronunciation - please, refer to my Instagram page or click on each letter below and swipe left for audio sound.

Sound of Korean letters: 

We must not forget the sound/pronunciations of Korean letters, which frequently changing based on their position (before and after vowels). Also, some of the pronunciations need to be learned by a heart with training and daily practice in general.

From the begging, I have prepared a general list that may help you with the pronunciation of shifting individual Korean letters - take your time to study:

...and this is my whole overview of the complete Korean alphabet - congratulations! :)

I hope that you have learned something and that you find this useful! However, the key is a daily practice, thus don't forget to train those new letters and pronunciations on daily basis!

Have a nice day!



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