

Good day everyone! :)

Today, I would like to present another set of Korean words. This time, we will focus on family-related words sorted by the alphabet within the Korean Language.

Here is a list for today:

Feel free to click on every single family word you are interested in -> to be redirected to Instagram and to be able to hear the pronunciation there! :)

Also, to see the lovely background pictures of Kim Sejeong (clean_0828) who is a Korean singer, actress, ...but most important a beautiful person with an incredible stunning voice. I recommend checking her videos on YouTube.

Anyway, that's it for today's quick lesson related to family Korean words!

Thank you for your support, and as always don't forget to train via Instagram or Duolingo app!

Thank you and enjoy your day.

Take care! :)


Updated: 18/06/2022 (DD/MM/YYYY) 

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